Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Blog Post #3

 On the Eight Values of Freedom there are three that stick out to me.  The first one is Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of the Truth.)  This one feels the most important to me because when it comes to either lying or telling the truth to a story I do not understand why people feel the need to falsify stories to make them more interesting.  If a story about a person is out in the public, whether it be just between a group of people, or in the paper, why not just tell the whole truth about the story instead of adding false scenarios about a person.  When a story about someone is out for the public to hear, or read it can seriously damage a persons’ reputation if someone is adding false information to a story.  If the person or writer is telling the whole truth, and it still ends up damaging the persons’ reputation then that is on the person themself for damaging their own reputation.  For example; if someone is going to trial for muder, and they swear on their life that they did not do it, and there is no concrete evidence against them, and someone just claiming that they did it.  Then, that person can have severe punishment for life to the extent that someone decides they want to lie under oath.  The Stable Change in the Eight Values of freedom sticks out to me as well for the see in action today.  In today’s world, and society a lot of people have been using their first amendment right of freedom of speech.  For example; in June when Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court meaning federally, they do not support aboriton it is up to the states; many people felt they needed to vent, and speak their mind using their first amendment rights.  Citizens were mad at the government, and wanted to show they were mad by venting online on social media, journals, news posts, and holding rallies in front of the Supreme Court, and the Courts in each state.  When holding the rallies it practices their first amendment right to petition, as long as no violence was in order, and if they have a permit.  As long as no one was getting hurt, and they were permitted to be rallying then there was no hurt to the first amendment, and they were practicing stable change.  In the Eight Values of Free Expression Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most personal to me.  I feel as if every human has the right to express themselves as who they are whenever they feel comfortable doing so.  If expressing yourself means dressing up everyday, then so be it, or dressing down everyday, then so be it.  Growing up in the society, and world we live in today expressing your true self is something so important, or else it would cripple your mental health.  For example, someone I went to High School with never had the chance to express himself as who he truly was.  It put such a decline on his mental health that he ended up committing suicide when I was a junior in High School.  Looking at all of the Eight Values of Freedoms Individual Self-Fulfillment is most important to me because someone shouldn’t have to die in order to express themselves as they truly are. 

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