Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Final Blog Post

Final Blog Post 

The media's role in my life is impeccable compared to how people ten-plus years older than me were growing up. I got my first iPod touch when I was ten years old, and ever since that day; the media has played a profound role in my life. Growing up, my older sister and I used our iPod touches to make video stars, post on Instagram, make movies, and play games together, all on our iPod touch. The second I got that iPod touch, it immediately changed my life. It was terrible because my parents would still take our iPod touch away to make us go outside, play in the basement, or swim in the pool. But, it's the initial reaction the kids ( like myself ) have when their parents decide to take whatever device they have away. They either freak out and start crying or throw hysterical temper tantrums to try and receive their device back.  

3 Tips Every College Student Can Use To Protect Their Digital Footprints

My digital footprint would include the following:

  • My text messages.

  • My safari search history on my phone.

  • Photos and videos.

  • Tagged photos on social media.

  • My likes on Facebook and Twitter.

Everything I just stated is a part of my digital footprint, and there is definitely more, so I am pretty exposed online. If someone has access to my text messages and reveals something I have said to my friends or family, I could ruin my life and never have the same opportunities I would've had. If someone had all of my photos and videos, I would probably get in so much trouble with my parents. My browsing history on safari is usually just clothes and shoe shopping. Anyone who wants to know what clothes I want can buy them. My family and friends post many photos of me on social media in my tagged pictures; I either 1. Hate how I look in them and don't want them in my tagged pictures, or 2. My parents posted something that I do not want people to see me tagged. It's not an inconvenience for anyone, really, except for me in my brain.  

In the day of age I grew up in, I figured out what editing photos were at a very young age. Cyberbullying was at an all-time high when I was at the peak of using social media. People would comment or talk about other people's social media posts, saying things like, "don't you think she gained weight?" Or, "wow, she needs to wear some makeup." No one seemed to care what they were saying about people, no matter how hurt someone's feelings were. One day, I overheard my older sister and her friends talking about how to edit pictures to post on Instagram. Whether it was your face blurring out your acne or your body to make yourself look skinnier, there is even an option to smooth out your complexion, change the colors of your eyes, and make your teeth whiter. When I heard my sister and her friends talking about it, I wanted to try editing. I took a picture of myself, found the app, and started editing. When I finished editing the photo, I knew it looked fake, but I posted it anyway. The number of comments I got on my post and the number of people talking about my position at school was an insane amount. Everyone was talking about how fake my picture was. I went home from school that day and cried to my mom; that was when I knew social media had gotten the best of me.  

The Wonders of Technology Video shows a world with technology. A world in which technology conquers everything. This video reveals a world in which technology is highlighted in a positive light and not a negative one. A world where there is the only technology that isn't hostile towards people and not bringing people down. A world in which technology is probably the best experience that has happened to people. The video was shot, and the ride was created in 1964—a time when technology was not even around like it is today. Speaking from personal experience, technology today is perceived as good and evil. The bad outweighs the good in most situations, but there are perks and bonuses to technology today. Not like it is seen in the video and not how people perceive technology today. But, it is nice to think that someday eventually, the world could be a better place with a positive light shed upon technology. 

Looking at the other video of the "Mad World" music video remix, the video shows many people when the technology first became popular and is still relevant to this day. The video shows people glued to their devices walking around in the street. The little boy keeps running into people, and people get outraged and scared of him. At one point in the video, the boy is sitting on the ground, crying while people just walk around on their devices. 

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