Sunday, December 18, 2022


 Blog Post EOTO #2 

Media consolidation is the concentration of media ownership is a process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of mass media.  “Media consolidation implications are that it leads to less local staffing, less local news gatherings, and less interaction with local communities, which hinders democracy.”  There are good, and bad parts to media consolidation more bad then good.  The advantages to media consolidation is that you are paying less than cable TV for more channels you can stream, and that there are more channels for bundles that you can buy.  


There are many disadvantages to media consolidation.  In 1983 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies.  Looking back to 2022 there are only six companies who own 90% of the media.  This is a major concern within the media because since 90% of the media is owned by big business corporations this means whatever these corporations want to get out there they can.  This can affect society as a whole because since there are not a lot of competing perspectives in the media means there can be illusions created for viewers because the media is only putting out what their owners want people to hear.  


Media Consolidation can affect many groups of minorities because of the way the press is being released.  Media consolidation in other words, is tearing our country apart instead of bringing us together as a whole.  The media has a lot to do with politics today, and social movements.   As media has been evolving, and only 6 different companies own the media, they can control what gets released, and what doesn’t.  This means that if someone at a company owned by the media doesn’t want a story getting out then it doesn’t have to.  This can hurt minority groups because of the separation between Fox News vs. CNN.  Fox News is known for their conservative side, and putting out stories about minority groups in our country that make them not look good.  As with CNN they put out stories that make the conservative side look bad.  

Overall as a whole, media consolidation is good for our society especially with media, and technology evolving throughout the world.  It is putting our country into the hands of the high up people that own these media companies to allow what is out in our media, and what is not.  Which can be very damaging for our country.

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