Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Diffusion Theory

 Blog Post #5 

Twitter was created in 2006, by Evan Williams.  People began using Twitter as a way to communicate and share information with their families, and close friends on a social media application.  When Twitter was first invented it had many private investors banking on Twitter’s success. Many people became early adapters to the start of Twitter because at first it was going to be a podcasting platform which captured a lot of investors attention. Twitter would be the first application to do this.  However, just before the launch of Twitter as a podcasting platform,  Apple created their podcast application. Soom after Apple created their podcasting application, Twitter changed course in order to maintain uniqueness and relevance in the marketplace. When Twitter was released it quickly became a way for people to communicate and share ideas with other Twitter users and their followers. 

Twitter immediately captured the attention of the millennials. Millennials saw Twitter as a fresh new social media app for them to use and communicate with their peers. People who were late adopters to Twitter were people who did not know if Twitter was just another form of communication with followers, or something bigger.  People also just didn’t like the sound of social media at the time because it was still fresh and new for some people.  It was the older generations who did not know a lot about social media, or seem to care for social media, so they didn’t see the need to join Twitter, initially.  People who were not adopters at all were the older generations who just wanted nothing to do with social media, and didn’t care to communicate with people other than via telephones, or email.  

The downsides to having a Twitter account is that it is a social media platform. There are definitely some security concerns within twitter.  What I mean by that is that social media companies aren’t asking for a monthly subscription to use their app, but instead they are selling your personal information that you have used to create an account to third party users.  There is a famous saying that states “Whatever you put on social media will never be gone even if you delete it.”  Which is true in a sense.  If someone posts something discriminatory on social media, but deletes it right away; someone could potentially screenshot it in the time it was up, and it can ruin your life.  I think not having social media has its positive and negative benefits.  

The negative benefits are having less forms of communication with people, and being kept up to date on the latest real time news. The positive benefits you have from not being on social media is that you don’t have to worry about getting your personal information stolen by third party users, and you don’t have to worry about what you would post, and if people would like it or not. People’s lives have been ruined due to social media posts and people can dig up anything from the past, even if it means they are a different person from who they were ten plus years ago.

100+ Twitter Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

EOTO Project Watch

 Blog Post #6 

US Postal Service row: What is it about? - BBC News    Technology I learned from someone else was the postal service.  When learning about the postal service I did not realize how long the postal service has been around for, which put me in a little bit of a surprise.  I found it interesting how China was the first creator of the postal service, and then spread to the Middle East, and then Europe, and then finally hit the United States later on.  I find it interesting how the postal service has adapted throughout the centuries of it being around.  How it first started with birds, and horses, and people walking by foot to deliver mail.  How it is now vs how it was back then there is a significant difference.  How the postal service has affected, and it such a big part of the economy interested me. U.S. states urge postal service to halt gas vehicle purchases | Reuters

EOTO Com Tech Timeline Blog

Blog Post #4

   Ray Tomlinson was a computer programmer who invented the first email in 1971.  Tomlinson used the ARPANET system to create the first email which at the time was the precursor to the internet. ARPANET was the first system that was able to send mail to other users on different hosts of the ARPANET.  The development of the @ sign, which was the code needed to separate the names of the users and the users machine, was the key to the first email being invented and is the reason that email was successfully invented.  The problem that Ray Tomlinson was trying to solve with the invention of email was to provide an alternative and more efficient mode of communication for people.

    The circumstances behind creating the first email were such that users on the internet could share files, and messages on a central log in disk, logging in from remote terminals. In the decades leading up to the invention of email, Tomlinson observed that people were no longer just sitting at desks and working from 9 to 5 each day. His observations led him to recognize that an alternative mode of communication would benefit employers and workers and would ultimately create a more flexible and more efficient work environment.  By creating email, people could have a different form of communication if they did not have enough time to talk on the phone.

Tomlinson greatly increased the usefulness of computers to such a new level that computers quickly became accessible to the general public. In addition, the invention of email has changed our world by creating a new form of communication for people around the world while simultaneously increasing the use of computers. As the world has progressed since the first email, email has also gone through a significant transformation as well. Email has become the preferred mode of communication for corporations, industries, governments, as well as most private and personal entities.  Email is now how families and friends alike, stay in touch. Email has now become a primary way for people to send invitations for parties, documents for work, provide status updates, or just saying a quick hello to someone they haven’t talked to in a while. 

Creating email changed the world because it “drastically” reduced traditional mail while also increasing the flow of information. An example of this is how people began receiving electronic bills. Bills used to be delivered through our postal service. When email was created, corporations and other entities started using email to send people or customers bills. This is much more efficient than waiting for the postal service to deliver your bills and then to retrieve and deliver bills via traditional mail. It greatly reduced the number of lost bills and lost payments.  

Email has drastically changed the way in which people communicate. We no longer pick up the phone to communicate but instead we communicate electronically via email.  After the first email came out all different forms of electronic communication were developed. However, as it is with all new inventions, problems develop.  The largest complaint people have with email is what is called spam mail. Spam mail is unsolicited email which is typically advertisements but it can also be harmful to people.  Some spam can confuse people into spending or sending money and it generally can cloud worthy information from being seen.  

Another negative effect of email is the issue of personal privacy.  Over the years, certain email providers have taken the private/personal information of its users and sold it to data gatherers without the permission of the users.  Also, all emails are archived so what people may think is “private communication” can also be available for people who breach personal privacy, or hack into a person’s email.

1971: First Ever Email | Guinness World Records

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Blog Post #3

 On the Eight Values of Freedom there are three that stick out to me.  The first one is Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of the Truth.)  This one feels the most important to me because when it comes to either lying or telling the truth to a story I do not understand why people feel the need to falsify stories to make them more interesting.  If a story about a person is out in the public, whether it be just between a group of people, or in the paper, why not just tell the whole truth about the story instead of adding false scenarios about a person.  When a story about someone is out for the public to hear, or read it can seriously damage a persons’ reputation if someone is adding false information to a story.  If the person or writer is telling the whole truth, and it still ends up damaging the persons’ reputation then that is on the person themself for damaging their own reputation.  For example; if someone is going to trial for muder, and they swear on their life that they did not do it, and there is no concrete evidence against them, and someone just claiming that they did it.  Then, that person can have severe punishment for life to the extent that someone decides they want to lie under oath.  The Stable Change in the Eight Values of freedom sticks out to me as well for the see in action today.  In today’s world, and society a lot of people have been using their first amendment right of freedom of speech.  For example; in June when Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court meaning federally, they do not support aboriton it is up to the states; many people felt they needed to vent, and speak their mind using their first amendment rights.  Citizens were mad at the government, and wanted to show they were mad by venting online on social media, journals, news posts, and holding rallies in front of the Supreme Court, and the Courts in each state.  When holding the rallies it practices their first amendment right to petition, as long as no violence was in order, and if they have a permit.  As long as no one was getting hurt, and they were permitted to be rallying then there was no hurt to the first amendment, and they were practicing stable change.  In the Eight Values of Free Expression Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most personal to me.  I feel as if every human has the right to express themselves as who they are whenever they feel comfortable doing so.  If expressing yourself means dressing up everyday, then so be it, or dressing down everyday, then so be it.  Growing up in the society, and world we live in today expressing your true self is something so important, or else it would cripple your mental health.  For example, someone I went to High School with never had the chance to express himself as who he truly was.  It put such a decline on his mental health that he ended up committing suicide when I was a junior in High School.  Looking at all of the Eight Values of Freedoms Individual Self-Fulfillment is most important to me because someone shouldn’t have to die in order to express themselves as they truly are. 

Blog Post #1

 My top 5 sources of news information are twitter , google news , fox news , cnn , and nbc .  

I recommend twitter to people because when I wake up in the morning, I can go on social media, and while scrolling through stuff that interests me, I can also read the news.  Twitter gives you a variety of news.  From trending, to national news, to international news, and local news.  Nothing like a full story though that an actual news station would give you.  

I also recommend google news because if you just type in words it will give you articles on the words you typed.  Google news is a reliable source for a school project, or if you’re writing a paper, and need sources to cite google news is also credible because it is also non biased.

Fox News is also a good news station if you are looking for right sided information in politics.  It is also interesting to watch because you can see how people feel about certain subjects, and get their opinions on the situation even if it is different from your own, and maybe create some middle ground so you can see where they’re coming from.  

The same as Fox News is the same with CNN.  CNN gives you information, and stories for the left side of politics.  It also shows you how CNN feels about the same situation that Fox News was talking about, and feeling about and get a feel for how they feel on the situation, so then you see Fox News, CNN, and then can really create a middle ground for yourself.  

NBC is also a good credible news source because if you’re an early riser, you can sit and watch and listen to the news around the world, and hear how the news anchors feel about the news going on around the world, same with the journalists.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Blog Post #2

 I learned that the Supreme Court has the ultimate jurisdiction over all the laws of the land within the United States.  The Supreme Court also was first to assemble in New York City in 1790 but didn’t hear any cases in its first term.  At first, there were only six justices on the Supreme Court, not nine.  The most surprising thing I’ve learned about the Supreme Court is that the Supreme Court only started with 6 justices, and throughout its time it went to as low as five, and as high as ten then decided to stick with 9 justices.  The most important takeaway about the Supreme Court is that Chief Justice John Marshall had such an influential impact on the Supreme Court.  He established the Supreme Court's power to review, and rule on the constitution of federal laws enacted by Congress.  The video changed my view on the Supreme Court because I didn’t think that the Supreme Court received as many cases as it did a year ago, and don’t even see more than half of the cases they receive.

Blog Post Privacy

  In the first Ted Talk, the man is speaking about electronic tattoos.  What he means when speaking is that with the way technology works to...